( This page is not affiliated officially with the Canadian Forces or the Department of National Defence. Is is managed through support from the 296 Squadron Sponsor Committee, a non profit group whos aim is to support the Squadron. This page is to assist in communicating with cadets, parents and the community.)

Our leadership team is made up of dedicated volunteers and instructors whom give some of their time to running the Cambridge Cadet Program. All of our Cadet Instructors and Sponsor Committee members have full time ‘civilian’ jobs, as well as families. The significant time they dedicate to cadets is outside of those vital items in their lives.

Officers and Civilian Instructors:

These personnel dedicated to the leading and instructing of the cadets in accordance with our training directives. These adults are background checked thoroughly to ensure their suitablity to work with cadets.

Sponsor Committee:

These volunteers provide guidance, support and financial oversight to the Squadron. Their fundraising and material support are vital to the Squadrons success, and thereby the success of the cadets.


If you’d like to get in touch, chances are it’s a question about joining us. Make sure you check out the rest of the site to see if the answer is here – we’ve covered most things you need to know about life with 296 Squadron.

When you’re ready to get more involved, you can get in touch with us by calling 1-519-621-2848. Or, you can drop by on Wednesday evenings between 7:00pm – 9:00pm


To share anything else with us or to sponsor us, you can contact us at our address here:


Our Address

Commanding Officer
296 City of Cambridge Squadron
Royal Canadian Air Cadets
Colonel J.A McIntosh DSO, ED Armoury
1 Valour Place
Cambridge, ON, N1R 7G8

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Note – we welcome questions via the contact form below.  The system will take a little while to get the message to us – if you need a faster answer please use the 296 Sqn Facebook page on messenger.

Contact Me
Fields marked with an * are required

Thank you for taking the time to visit the Official site for 296 City of Cambridge Air Cadet website.