Everyone in the Air Cadets and CF can be identified by the badges of rank that they wear. This list of basic adult and cadet ranks will help you identify them. The list starts with CF CIC Officers followed by cadet ranks.
Officer Ranks
•Colonel (Col)
•Major (Maj)
•Captain (Capt)
•Lieutenant (Lt)
•Second Lieutenant (2Lt)
•Officer Cadet (Ocdt)
Royal Canadian Air Cadet Ranks and Qualifications
Leading Air Cadet is the first rank of the Air cadet Program and recognition of your involvement and hard work. You get to wear it proudly and it identifies you as someone who took his/her job as an air cadet seriously, a real team player! In fact, there is only one criteria to be met if you want to receive the LAC propellers…
• Actively participate in the squadron mandatory training for a period of FIVE (5) months
Corporal is a very important rank in the hierarchy of your squadron. This is the first rank that comes with responsibilities and those responsibilities must not be taken lightly. You get to take charge of other cadets! Corporals are responsible for the well-being of their subordinates. They get to call them, transmit important messages, sometimes they even get to inspect their uniforms! The training you receive during your first year of training prepares you to accomplish these tasks. This is why the only prerequisite necessary for you to be considered for a promotion to the rank of Corporal is to:
• Successfully completed Proficiency Level 1
As of September 2007, there is a new rank for Cadets to strive for. This rank is the Flight Corporal. It has more responsibilities than the rank of Corporal and introduces new challenges. To become a Flight Corporal you will need to have the following prerequisites:
• Successfully completed Proficiency Level 2
• Completed at least six months satisfactory service at the rank of Corporal
• Preferably have successfully completed a Familiarization Summer Course
The best Flight Corporals will be considered for a promotion to the rank of Sergeant. Sergeants usually have a few Flight Corporals, Corporals, Leading Air Cadets and cadets under their leadership. They also get more responsibilities. National prerequisites to the rank of Sergeant are as follows:
• Successfully completed Proficiency Level 3
• Completed at least six months satisfactory service at the rank of Flight Corporal
• Preferably have successfully completed an Introduction to Specialty Summer Course
Now we are talking about major responsibilities! Flight Sergeants, as their rank says, get to take charge of entire flights of cadets, which usually means that they have a few NCO’S and many cadets under their command. They are making decisions and making sure that everyone is OK. Prerequisites for the rank of Flight Sergeant are:
• Successfully completed Proficiency Level 4
• Completed at least six months satisfactory service at the rank of Sergeant
• Preferably have successfully completed a Advanced Specialty Summer Course”
In many squadrons across Canada the WO2 is the highest ranked cadet, which makes him/her “The Leader”. Cadets achieving this rank are trained as leaders and they get to collaborate with officers in the organization of activities for the squadron. Warrant Officers Second Class are senior cadets who must perform to a very high level and take care of many responsibilities. Prerequisites for this rank are:
• Completed at least six months satisfactory service at the rank of Flight Sergeant
• Preferably have successfully completed an Advanced Specialty Summer Course
The highest rank that an air cadet may aspire to receive. Highly experienced senior cadet who has proven to be worthy of leading all cadets of his/her squadron. Cadets wearing this rank are leaders who have gone through all five levels of Mandatory Training, giving them the experience and the knowledge to excel as leaders. Prerequisites for this rank are:
• Completed at least six months satisfactory service at the rank of Warrant Officer Second Class
• Preferably have successfully completed an Advanced Specialty Summer Course.
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